The Dirty South is a gaming engine of sorts geared toward 2D, top-down view games based on a tiling scheme in a rectangular fashion (not isometric or hexagonal). The engine will handle 32 bit sprites with alpha blending capabilities. The Dirty South will be available for Windows and Linux, and eventually Macintosh and.. who knows, maybe Dreamcast. Graphics will be handled by OpenGL, for its speed, and many other aspects will be handled by SDL.
The game will feature fluid animation in both characters and tilesets. Scripting will drive a plot as deep as its creator can imagine, while empowering complex bosses and unusual object interaction.
Plots, graphics, and many gameplay rules will be completely customizable. A custom set of levels, graphics, and scripts will collectively be referred to as a "stories," which will be loadable in-game. A story editor is slated for creation and will include a map, animation, and script editor to create games similar to a wide range of those you may have grown up with.
While the story is not the aim of this project, we will be developing with a set of graphics and a storyline of our own. It's a light-hearted story subject to change where needed. You can see what's in-mind here.
As a historical note, ZTDS stands for "Zelda: The Dirty South." When I began the project with little more than an idea and some motivation, I had a Zelda-clone in mind. Zelda was removed from the title to avoid copyright infringement.